Our Core Values

Who We Are

Our core values express who we are at Echler Solomon Feng, and reverberate through each action we take and every contact we have with clients. When a client begins developing a relationship with our company, they can anticipate finding the attributes detailed below as representative of their dealings with us.


Echler Solomon Feng has been in operation since 2009. Our CEO, Michael Echler, has over thirty years of wealth management experience, and our company has over two hundred years of collective experience. Our expert professionals are ready and prepared to provide unmatched levels of outstanding analysis and guidance.


As fiduciaries, our principles are to put the clients best interest first at all times. Our company was created as a place for clients to receive superior advice.


As Echler Solomon Feng is employee-owned, our staff takes a personal interest in our clients and consider them as an extension of our own corporate, and as such, anticipate that our relationship will continue for many years. It is not uncommon for a client to go through a personal crisis during their relationship with us such as the loss of a close family member or the break up of a marriage. Episodes such as these bring with them unforeseen financial consequences and Echler Solomon Feng is here to offer real-world help and support. We will treat your circumstances with compassion, empathy, patience, and sensitivity.


We go all out for superiority in all we do. This means continually watching the financial markets and remaining innovative in our management of client wealth. We believe our level of attentiveness and agility set us apart.


Our duty is to safely and effectively manage your wealth, but our passion is creating new relationships. The high standards of service we provide mirrors the level of investment we put in our relationships with clients.


We aim to nurture a relaxed and safe environment where clients feel comfortable freely discussing matters surrounding personal finances, family, and financial objectives with us. Clients can rest assured in the knowledge that this information will never be passed to anyone else without your prior consent. Our responsibility to your keep your personal information private allows us to earn your trust, which is the basis of all mutually beneficial relationships.